Useful in the treatment of liver diseases. It is used in the treatment of gum diseases and throat tumors. The fruits of raspberry berries treat smallpox and measles. Useful in reducing the feeling of thirst. Treats anemia. Helps heal wounds. Helps to treat burns
# | Products | Pro. Net | Pack Type | Barcode |
1 | Mulberry Jam | 450 Gr | Glass | 6213081082016 |
2 | Mulberry Jam | 800 Gr | Glass | 6213081082030 |
3 | Mulberry Jam | 1700 Gr | Glass | 6213081082054 |
4 | Mulberry Jam | 450 Gr | Plastic | 6213081081446 |
5 | Mulberry Jam | 800 Gr | Plastic | 6213081081019 |
6 | Mulberry Jam | 1500 Gr | Plastic | 6213081081033 |
7 | Mulberry Jam | 2000 Gr | Plastic | 6213081081675 |
8 | Mulberry Jam | 2500 Gr | Plastic | 6213081081644 |
9 | Mulberry Jam | 4600 Gr | Plastic | 6213081081200 |